Saturday, October 27, 2012

Conditions for courses

         There are often certain conditions that you need to be aware of as a runner during a race. For example during cross country courses can have hills, and bad weather. The way to counter hills is to use short strides and pump your arms on the way up and when you are going up a hill you should try to increase your speed considerably. When you are going down a hill gravity will automatically increase your speed so just lean forward and trust your legs to fall under you. Also if you're going down a hill and then up a hill try to extend the hill. When I say this, I mean use it to increase your speed and don't stop the increased speed until you are up the second hill because you use less energy to go faster because  you still have a lot of the momentum.
           You should also be aware of weather. If it is windy try to "draft" off of people. This means to run behind another runner so he can block the wind for you and because the running in front you will create a small force behind him that isn't noticeable but does make it easier to keep up. also if the wind is with you you should still stay behind someone and make sure nobody is running behind you because if you run behind someone then it will be easier for you to keep the pace they  are because of the wind. So in general when there is wind do two things if at all possible: make sure nobody is running behind you and make sure you are drafting of of someone else. The previous sentence will always come into play except in two situations. At The end of the race you obviously just sprint for the finish line and don't bother with the wind. But also if you ever think you could generate a sizable lead  don't stick with the second place runner to draft off of him just increase your pace.
Storm Clouds
Storm Clouds (Photo credit: mcdett)
         Also,rain can also play a large factor. Make sure you have anything you need to stay warm such as team approved warm-ups(There are specific colors that most teams have to designate as the color of their warm-ups as well as their brand. If what you are wearing is not team approved then this could result in either singular or team disqualification.If the rain causes mud be very aware of your balance so you don't trip.                                            
          Lastly if it is sunny in some parts of the course and shady at the other parts then you can use the shady parts to take it easy and go fast during the sunny parts because the more you are out of the sun the better. A hot day can drain all of the life right out of you. Also if you are reading this I'd appreciate if you left a comment or emailed me, or followed my blog.  
Sun (Photo credit: DBduo Photography)

Thx to everyone who reads my blog.
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