Sunday, November 4, 2012


Tabby cat Toto, sleepy and very shy.
Tabby cat Toto, sleepy and very shy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
While running you should develop almost  a  schedule for yourself. You should alternate between hard, easy workout. You should do 1 hard day for every 2 easy days at minimum. Preferably its it Ideal to add a lot of easy days so it is reasonable to have even 3-4 easy workout after a hard one one because it was so exhausting. In addition make sure you are getting enough sleep.  8 hours at the minimum! 10  hours is ideal. There is no shame in taking cat naps.
Here is an example of  a reasonable schedule.

        Sunday- Take this day off
        Monday- hard day; so maybe do some 400,s on the track, or do hills.
       Tuesday-easy day; 3-4 mile run at a pace where you can have a conversation with someone
       Wednesday- Go for a long distance run at a slow pace but longs so depending on your fitness you could go anywhere from 6 to 12+
        Thursday: medium-hard day: do some farlip (A french workout where you sprint then jog so you could go go really fast up a hill then jog and then sprint for another 100 m but don't sprint for too long as this could lead to over-exhaustion) for 15 minutes  followed by a cool-down of about 1-2 miles at a slow pace.
         Friday- another easy day so go for about 3-4 miles at an easy pace.
Saturday: medium-hard day; I recommend doing some more farlip or if your legs are feeling up to it maybe do some hills or a workout on the track.

You do not by any means have to use this schedule and you are not wrong if you don't follow this schedule exactly. A lot off scheduling has to do with how your legs feel and if your legs don't feel good then it's fine to take an extra day off here and there. In fact it can be necessary because over-doing things can lead to injuries such as stress-fractures. Anyway as it becomes winter in the northern hemisphere that is no reason to stop running. I encourage anybody who reads my blog to get out there with  your sweat and run in the snow.
Have fun running!!!
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