Sunday, October 7, 2012


We've all been there and we all hate them. The most common reason for someone getting a cramp is dehydration so carry a water bottle with you EVERYWHERE!!!!! Also do not eat too much or not enough before you run. try to make sure you get something for the meal before but don't eat like a cheeseburger, have something light like PB and J or a salad. potassium also helps prevent cramps so if you eat a banana at least an hour(if not longer) before the race it should help. Eat healthy and make are you are getting all 3 meals a day. Another big one is lack of sleep, make sure you get enough sleep form the past two days. the past two night of sleep before a race should equate to about 16 hours or more. Muscle cramps after a hard workout indicate soreness and you shouldn't pay them much attention because those are normal. But cramps in your stomach during a race are probably the most common cramp and the method of getting rid of those is the least known way of getting rid of cramps. If you do get these and you have already followed all the direction above then the problem is probably you're not getting enough oxygen. make sure you breath well develop a rhythm that isn't just gasp poor air whenever you can. A common rhythm is two strides in, two strides out, but find out what works for you. another is 3 strides in, 2 strides out. those are 2 most common and don't use the numbers 1 or 4 in your rhythm because then you get either too much too little. again send all question to


  1. Very Helpful!What energy bars do you recommend for before and after races/runs?

    1. I usually use clif bars but almost any energy bar works.

  2. wow! i wish i could run that fast!!!!!!!!!!!!
    what a great blog!!!!
    i never thought of this idea.
    great job!
