Monday, May 27, 2013

summer schedules

Flash (Barry Allen)
Flash (Barry Allen) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
hey guys this season is pretty much done know so if you are a distance runner it's time to start working for XC. Start with with a goal of hitting your same weekly milage next week. then go up to ten miles and stay at that milage for 2 weeks total. then go back down 10 again to give your legs a rest for a week. then go up 20 and repeat procces let me show u what i mean. Each number will represent how many miles a person could in one week. they go up slowly so one wont injure themselves. Note:this is how many pros work, more or less. so if i start at 30 this is what it  looks like: 30 40 40 30 50 50 40 60 60 50 70 70 60 80 and so on. This improvemnt mthod is slow but it works. It can get you that sub 17 time for a 5k or whater goal your trying for. Keep this up and you'll turn into the flash before you know it.
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